Home Maintenance Must-Dos Before Retiring

Now that you are retiring, it’s time to start thinking about all the work that needs to be done around the house before you can finally relax and enjoy your golden years. Sure, you can move to any beach town in Costa Rica to retire and buy a new home from realtors in Playas del Coco. But if you’re on a shoestring budget, staying at your current home isn’t a bad idea. While some people like to take their time in retirement and ease into it, others prefer jumping in and getting things done. Regardless of which category you fall into, we’ve got some home maintenance must-dos for you.


As you enter the retirement phase of your life, it’s time to start paring down and getting rid of the stuff that won’t be useful in your new home. Downsizing can help make sure your house is more manageable and organized. Start with sorting through all the items cluttering up your home and determine which ones should be kept and which should be donated, recycled, or thrown away. This will free up some space and make your home look more appealing.

Install Surveillance Systems

You might think you’re still too young and agile to worry about home security. But with retirement comes a new set of risks you need to be aware of. Installing reliable surveillance systems can help protect your property from burglars, vandals, and other threats. You don’t necessarily have to break the bank either – plenty of …